Is this a difficult season for you? Do you avoid conversations about Thanksgiving and Christmas plans and other holidays?
There is anticipation it seems everywhere, food, travel, family, loving gatherings with laughter and excitement from people who know they have a seat at the table. They are wanted and welcome.
But what if that isn’t you? Maybe you are separated from family by either geographical or emotional distance. Friends are gathering with family and you are on your own. It can be a time when loneliness is magnified by the gatherings of others. By the memories and expectations of the Holidays. Many are going through this.
We may not be able to change our circumstances but we can change our perspective and change the way we experience the circumstance.
Some thoughts that I hope will offer some help:
• Sadley, a good number of families gathering for the Holidays are gathering out of obligation. They dread being together. Celebrate your freedom to spend the Holiday as you like, free of obligation.
• Find a way to give, to be a comfort to someone else
• Seek out other singles to share a meal with
• Plan a special day for yourself-a day on the coast or in the mountains, make it your own non-traditional Holiday full of things you enjoy. Celebrate the goodness of the Holiday in a way that is special to you.
Next year could be very different. Look for the silver lining in the aloneness. Resist the voices that tell you that you are rejected, unwanted and unworthy. Remind yourself of Whose you are.
None of us made ourselves. You are God’s creation and he sees you in your pain. Choosing him means that there is always a seat at his table for you. With your name on it. You are desired and welcomed with open arms.
Find that place of being desired and cherished in his presence. Sit with him and allow his comfort to fall over you, his Spirit of love to fill you and give you peace. It is real and it is yours, it is your creator’s pleasure to give it to you.
Feel free to share this post, we never know who may be experiencing deeper loneliness at this time.