How this Assessment is Different
It has been independently verified for accuracy. Instead of basing results on one aspect of your design, it bases your report on 4 distinct areas to give a comprehensive view of your design.
We discover your personality strengths, your factors and sub-factors. Your sub-factors either strengthen or balance your factors and we look at the implications of those and how they help in choosing the most satisfying careers.
The assessment does a deep dive into your interests. We look at how strong each one is and evaluate if it is a hobby interest, or one that you would like to support your career, or one that you would like to focus on as your career. The more of your interests that you can incorporate into your career the more motivated you will be long-term.
We each have natural skills, often ones we aren't aware of. When we discover those we look at how they can be incorporated into a career where we can utilize those. Areas where we are naturally skilled start us at a higher baseline and we learn faster. Growth brings us more opportunities, more recognition and excitement about our career.
What is important to you in your work environment? Do you need to be outdoors, inside, around people, working alone and more considerations. Looking at these help to realize what areas to focus on for long-term career fits. We also look at the work outcomes that are most important to you, as well as life purpose.
Alignment in all of these areas is crucial for the best fit.