
We navigate many changes in our lives. Some we choose, some we don't.  The way we navigate change has an effect on our mental, emotional and physical well-being.

The good news is  our perspective has the power to determine the effect that changes will have.  We train our brains by the way we choose to think and act.  It is simple and profound.  

But that doesn't mean it's easy.  It takes some work, some accountability, and perserverence.  And it's worth it.

Change is inevitable, growth is not

When Change Happens To Us

How we respond to change is determined by many factors.  Some are inheritated, some are due to our environment growing up, some are effected by the people we spend time with and more.  The most important factor is how we choose to think about the change.  It is in our control. 

Our minds are extremely resilient, they grow and change according to the choices we make.  Neuroplasicity, the study of the brain's ability to change and grow, shows amazing potential for making lasting changes.  

I coach and mentor clients through changing their perspective so they can manage their thinking and emotions during change to be more resilient.  Becoming a steady peaceful presence during unexpected and unasked for change is possible.  Read more...

When We Want to Create Change

What changes would you like to set in motion in your life? In yourself, in your circumstances?  Often those desired changes percolate awhile before we actually set out to create them.   

Why? Our minds don't like change, so there's that.  And change is work.  And we've made attempts and failed at change.  And it just seems easier to keep procrastinating.  

What if what you want could be a reality?  Sooner than you think?  Let's talk, come up with a plan and celebrate results! Learn more.

Changing Careers

Scary, exciting, daunting.  Where do you start?  What skills and knowledge can you bring to a new career that will be fulfilling?  

Our work takes up the majority of our waking hours.  What we do with that time, who we are around impacts our lives.  And it effects our self-image.

Do  you like who you are becoming in this job?
How is it effecting your life?

As a certified Career Direct Coach I have found this comprehensive assessment combined with personalized coaching to be invaluable to my clients.  More info here.


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Client Reviews

From the Blog

Change is hard at the beginning
Messy in the middle
Glorious at the end

Working With Me

I have heard people say that no one really changes.  That has not been my experience nor has it been what I have seen in my clients. 

Are you making the same choices, following the same patterns and discouraged by the same results?  Many people find it hard to make a plan that works for them.  What works for someone else may not work for you.  And what works in one situation may not in the next.  Our complexities are beautiful and they are challenging.

If we decide to work together we will discover the strategies and perspectives that you need to make lasting change.  In the implementation you will gain insights and valuable tools to move forward in other areas as well. 

I am available for in-person sessions in Bellevue and Redmond as well as virtually anywhere.

What changes are calling you?  Are you ready to  commit to making them? 

If you are ready, let's talk!