What roles do you move in and out of? 
Co-worker, spouse, student, parent, sister, friend...? Each one of the roles we live in involves navigating relationships.  How we interact in these different areas has a huge impact on our happiness and sense of well-being. Even our physical health.

Yet we can find ourselves ill-equipped to successfully navigate our relationships.

They seem to be harder than they need to be.  We want a peaceful happy connection yet we find contention and resentment.  We can give up on connections that could have a profound impact on our quality of life because they are hard. But we don't have to.  

Relationship skills can be learned.  Like everything else meaninful in life, our important connections need maintenance. Learning and growing.  

Some of our challenges are due to different communication styles, different expectations of the relationship, our family dynamics growing up, and more.  Then we add to that clashing needs, miscommunication and mindsets and we are often either in the midst of a storm or waiting for the next one to hit.  This dynamic makes it difficult to build trust and emotional intimacy in our relationships, something that we crave.

The good news is that there are very effective tools to:

  • De-escalate
  • Get on the same page, 
  • See the problem as the problem and not the other person
  • Really hear and understand the other
  • Communicate our own needs and wants
This is becoming more and more common. With remote working and learning and  spending excess time and emotional energy on social media we are losing our ability to interact with each other. We pass up opportunities to connect with others in the coffee line, in the elevator.  It's easier to stay in our own bubble, staring at our phones and ignoring those around us.  We are losing our ability to  connect on many levels.

And yet we need others in our lives.  We are social beings.  This is the cause of much of the rise in depression rates.  

What can we control?  Ourselves.  How we interact with others.  How we think about them, what we are willing to give to a relationship and what we are not.  

Let's take a look at what you want and need and how to get there.  It is possible.